Aug 21, 2014

Geometric Sculpture

This isn't exactly an 'art' post... it's more the genesis of an idea inspired by an exercise I did with a year 6 maths class. We were working on 3D shapes, and made these suspended sculptures using rolled up sheets of newspaper and masking tape. If time and chance allow, this idea could be extended to become an art lesson in itself—I'll let you know if I find the opportunity! But for the moment, here are some 'accidental' art pieces—rectangular, hexagonal and triangular pyramids.


  1. Hi from Barcelona. Your ideas are amazing. The part I love most is the way all student's works fit together to make stuning decorations for the school walls. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Thanks Tòssia : )
    que tengas un gran día!

  3. Very nice and different! It's great to work in art and integrate with other subjects. Kids learn more easily that way! Your students must have love this activity!
